Our recovered metals and minerals are fully contributing to a true Circular Economy
Today, we are treating IBA from three incinerators (Renergia, Buchs (AG) and Turgi). Our recovered metals and minerals re-enter various Swiss and European markets and contribute so to the closing of a true Circular Economy.
2024 – construction start of Centro Due - a major milestone
Our Centro Due project with a capacity to treat 45’000 TPA of IBA p.a. received its construction permit in September 24. Construction started in October 24 with a projected completion date by the end of 25. Starting Centro Due will allow us to save approximately 16’000 tons of CO2 p.a.
Then, our two projects should reach a minimum of 33’250 tons of CO2 savings p.a.
We are encouraged and humbled by the task in front of us.
Our thanks go to all our partners and colleagues that continue to intensively work with us in the conversion of our vision into reality.