
2023 – we realized 6'700 tons of CO2 savings !

December 2023 – we realized 6'700 tons of CO2 savings !

Our Centro Uno project has already saved over 1’500 tons of CO2 in 2023. This is a first step.

If we note that in Switzerland we emit around 14 tons of CO2 per person, the savings of our Centro Uno project “only” reduces the CO2 footprint of approximately 107 persons. A small step that encourages us to keep working in the execution of our plan.

Together with the CO2 savings of the Waste to Value plant at the SAIDEF incinerator in Fribourg, the CO2 savings generated through our technology in 2023 amount to over 6’700 tons of CO2 and eliminate so the CO2 footprint of 478 inhabitants in Switzerland.

Our recovered metals and minerals have started to contribute to the Circular Economy

Today, we are treating IBA from three incinerators (Renergia Kt. LU, Buchs Kt. AG and Turgi Kt. AG). Our recovered metals and minerals re-enter various Swiss and European markets and contribute so to the closing of a true Circular Economy.

Our Centro Uno project is targeted to save min. 12’250 tons of CO2 in 2024. In addition, the SAIDEF plant should save approximately 5’250 tons of CO2. The 17’500 tons of CO2 so saved in one year correspond to the CO2 generated by over 1’250 inhabitants in Switzerland.


Our Centro Due project is scheduled to start construction in April 2024.

The Centro Due project in Kerzers (FR) with a capacity to treat 45’000 TPA of IBA  should start construction in April 2024 and start its operations in Q3 of 2025. Centro Due will allow us to save approximately 16’000 tons of CO2 p.a.

By then,  our projects should reach a minimum of 33’500 tons of CO2 savings p.a.

We are encouraged and also humbled by the task in front of us!

Our thanks go to all our partners and colleagues that continue to intensively work with us in the translation of our vision to reality! 


CO 2 savings by SELFRAG Waste-to-Value Solutions

If we note that in Switzerland we emit around 14 tons of CO2 per person, the savings of our Centro Uno project “only” reduces the CO2 footprint of approximately 107 persons. A small step that encourages us to keep working in the execution of our plan.

Together with the CO2 savings of the Waste to Value plant at the SAIDEF incinerator in Fribourg, the CO2 savings generated through our technology in 2023 amount to over 6’700 tons of CO2 and eliminate so the CO2 footprint of 478 inhabitants in Switzerland.

Our recovered metals and minerals have started to contribute to the Circular Economy

Today, we are treating IBA from three incinerators (Renergia Kt. LU, Buchs Kt. AG and Turgi Kt. AG). Our recovered metals and minerals re-enter various Swiss and European markets and contribute so to the closing of a true Circular Economy.

Our Centro Uno project is targeted to save min. 12’250 tons of CO2 in 2024. In addition, the SAIDEF plant should save approximately 5’250 tons of CO2. The 17’500 tons of CO2 so saved in one year correspond to the CO2 generated by over 1’250 inhabitants in Switzerland.


Our Centro Due project is scheduled to start construction in April 2024.

The Centro Due project in Kerzers (FR) with a capacity to treat 45’000 TPA of IBA  should start construction in April 2024 and start its operations in Q3 of 2025. Centro Due will allow us to save approximately 16’000 tons of CO2 p.a.

By then,  our projects should reach a minimum of 33’500 tons of CO2 savings p.a.

We are encouraged and also humbled by the task in front of us!

Our thanks go to all our partners and colleagues that continue to intensively work with us in the translation of our vision to reality! 

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Our recovered metals and minerals are fully contributing to a true Circular Economy.

Centro Due Construction 2

Centro Due - construction has started!

Baustart für "Centro Due" in Kerzers am 5.11.2024


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