
Our Centro Uno project

Johann Wüest

Johann Wüest

Early January on a visit to the Kunsthaus in Zürich Johann Wüest’s painting of the Rhone glacier got my full attention. I stood in front of this 1772 painting longer than in front of the many other remarkable paintings of the museum. Well: today we cover the glacier with blankets to reduce its rate of melting!

I decided to use Wüest’s painting to introduce our Centro Uno “Waste to Value” project.

We at SELFRAG had a good start into 2022:

Beginning of January we started construction of Centro Uno: our latest “Waste to Value” plant in Full-Reuenthal.

Centro Uno

Construction of our plant will be completed by the end of the year. Starting January 2023, we will treat approximately 35’000 tons of slag per year of the incinerators in Buchs, Turgi and Renergia.

We will then recover at least 50% of valuable materials.

Scarce landfill capacity will thereby be substantially saved. Also, we anticipate recovering approximately 750 KG of CO2 per ton of slag treated. We are currently going through the CO2 recovery certification process for 450 KG per ton of slag treated and count on being able to start issuing CO2 certificates as we start our facility in the course of 2023.

This very substantial positive CO2 impact of our technology is our humble contribution to our planet.


We are very grateful of the support of several first-class partners for the development, construction, and financing of our Centro Uno plant.

Also, we are proud of the good cooperation with the municipality of Full-Reuenthal and the canton of Aargau.

Our strategic focus on “Waste to Value” has created a strong traction in Switzerland.  We are excited about the positive reaction by so many Swiss incinerators and are currently in the midst of the development of a number of new Swiss projects.

The waste recovery issue is unfortunately an extreme worldwide challenge. Despite all efforts to the contrary, our “waste production” continues to steadily increase.

We are therefore pleased that our development activities have encountered a strong traction in the USA and Europe.

We are encouraged.

Centro Uno

At Selfrag we are an engaged group of scientists, engineers, and businesspeople. We are all driven by contributing to saving our planet. This is what moves our company.

And – yes - we are looking for talents: Operating Managers, Business Developers and Analysts.

You can follow the construction of our Centro Uno plant through the following:

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